Cheap Delta Savile Single Handle Pull-Down Kitchen Faucet With Soap Dispenser

Delta Savile Single Handle Pull-Down Kitchen Faucet With Soap Dispenser

DLT5372: Features: -Kitchen faucet with soap dispenser-Diamond coated ceramic cartridge control mechanism-Lever handle returns to neutral position when faucet is turned off-Magnetic docking system secures sprayer to spout-Pull-down wand operates in an aerated or spray mode via an ergonomic toggle diverter-Handle button to indicate hot / cold temperature-Hose lead to aid installation-Mounting wrench to assist in tightening mounting nut securely-Hose travels inside mounting shank so it will not interfere with deck edges-Keyed trim ring and escutcheon to help alignment and aid installation-ASME A112.18.1 / CSA b125.1 certified-ASME A112.18.6 certified-CSA certified-ADA Compliant-CA/VT Compliant-1.8 GPM @ 60 psi, 8.3 L/min @ 414 kPa. Assembly Instructions: -Integral double check valves in sprayer assembly. Dimensions: -Overall dimensions: 14.609" H x 9.203" D. Collection: -Savile collection. Warranty: -Manufacturer provides lifetime warranty.